Je recherche un logiciel ou un modèle Excel qui aide à la création de son Business Plan et de son dossier financier.
Avez-vous une/des solutions clef-en-main gratuites ou payantes que vous pouvez me conseiller?
PS: J’utilise actuellement le logiciel « Montpellier Business Plan » qui est pas mal mais peu flexible (notamment pour les fichiers Excel) et un peu obsolète (2001)
Le module création de gescap (maintenant sage) est très bien, je ne connais pas le prix.
Conseil aux entreprises
Je ne connaissais pas MBP, semble être assez complet, mais sans doute aussi complexe.
Si vous maîtrisez le bilan, compte de résultat, Budget, prévision de trésorerie, établissez sur excel, votre plan.
Christian de montpellier
Bonjour Fabien,
Si vous le souhaitez, je peux vous faire parvenir un plan de Business Plan rédactionnel par email. S’agissant du dossier financier, je dois vous conseiller de vous faire accompagner dans cette démarche. sachez que les chambres consulaires (CCI ou CMA) et certains réseaux d’aide à la création d’entreprise sont vraisemblablement en mesure de vous aider dans sa réalisation et ainsi éviter tout risque de déconvenue par la suite. Le plan d’affaires est un document sur lequel se basent les banques pour étudier votre projet au cas où vous auriez à les solliciter. Il doit être irréprochable.
J’espère avoir pu vous aider.
Bon courage !
Benjamin RIBANO
Nous venons de créer notre société qui aura notamment pour activité la réalisation de prévisionnel financier. Nous exerçons pour votre information dans le domaine de l’expertise comptable et cela constituera une activité secondaire pour nous.
Je peux donc vous proposer mes services si vous le souhaitez, et ce à des prix très abordables.
Contactez-moi au cas où cela vous intéresserait, nos devis sont gratuits et je peux vous fournir des exemples de nos réalisations à titre d’exemple, afin que vous puissiez apprécier la qualité de nos prestations.
Dans l’attente de vous lire,
vous avez aussi ciel business plan j’ai fait mon previsionnel avec et il ne vaut pas tres cher
Je vous conseille le site Il propose des applications gratuites pour les TPE et les auto-entrepreneurs. Il suffit de s’inscrire pour avoir accès gratuitement à une formation à la comptabilité et au logiciel e-parcours qui aide à créer ses business plan.
Je vous conseille c’est une solution en ligne gratuite, simple et très complète qui permet d’évaluer son projet, de rédiger son BP et d’effectuer les simulations financières.
Moi j’ai utilisé le [url=]logiciel de business plan[/url] de The Business Plan Shop. Vraiment très bien!
je rejoins Kaloo, j’ai utilisé les [url=]modèles de business plan[/url] de pour monter mon restaurant ! je le recommande
je viens de réaliser mon BP avec [url=][/url] pour ma société de conseil.
Le formulaire est vraiment facile et flexible. Le rendu en pdf avec graphiques m’a pleinement satisfait.
je vous le recommande…
sans aller plus loin, vous trouvez sur des modèles de business plan vraiment professionnels et simples d’utilisation. La rubrique dédiée aux business plan Excel est ici :
La rédaction NetPME
I am in serious need of some feedback and advice on how to price my product. I’m very keen to hear any thoughts (no matter how obvious) on (i) what do you think my price / shipping strategy should be across channels, and (ii) how to investigate further issues. Very keen to break this analysis paralysis stage I am in! Thanks in advance for any thoughts on the business plan
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This is an ultra-competitive space and I am a mom & pop newcomer. I need ways to stick out, with our brand proposition being quality.
I believe customers selling Product X fail in 2 respects. The main / primary reason is the product should be refrigerated / shipped with cold packs.The second reason is the ingredients could be of higher quality.
Product X retails most commonly for $ 25. The vast majority of the space is at $ 15-25, and some branded products are $ 28-35, and the very rare brand at $ 50. The highest volume items are $ 18-25 . I don’t perceive any differentiation in product between the $ 15- $ 50 product aside from brand / reputation.
I think the higher quality message is worth $ 3 / unit. Refrigeration / shipping with an ice pack is the bigger differentiator, however, and would drive more volume than the + $ 3 / unit from higher quality. Maybe refrigeration can drive + $ 3-5 / unit, but I know it can drive volume. So in aggregate I think I can charge + $ 3-8 / unit.So if average Product X is $ 25, I can get + $ 28-33 / per bottle.
My Problem: Refrigeration / Ice Pack = Expensive
Refrigeration + Ice Pack = + $ 13.50 in cost vs. using Amazon FBA
So I Have 4 Possible Sales Strategies (I Think)
Why I Struggle
Reasons against charging $ 41:
Reasons for charging $ 41
Reasons for mixed offering
Reasons against mixed offering
This is an ultra-competitive space oriqq pkv games and I am a mom & pop newcomer. I need ways to stick out, with our brand proposition being quality. I believe customers selling Product X fail in 2 respects. The main / primary reason is the product should be refrigerated / shipped with cold packs. The second reason is the ingredients could be of higher quality. Product X retails most commonly for $ 25.The vast majority of the space is at $ 15-25, and some branded products are $ 28-35, and the very rare brand at $ 50.The highest volume items are $ 18-25 . I don’t perceive any differentiation in product between the $ 15- $ 50 product aside from brand / reputation. I think the higher quality message is worth $ 3 / unit.Refrigeration / shipping with an ice pack is the bigger differentiator, however, and would drive more volume than the + $ 3 / unit from higher quality. Maybe refrigeration can drive + $ 3-5 / unit, but I know it can drive volume. So in aggregate I think I can charge + $ 3-8 / unit. So if average Product X is $ 25, I can get + $ 28-33 / per bottle. My Problem: Refrigeration / Ice Pack = Expensive Refrigeration + Ice Pack = + $ 13.50 in cost vs. using Amazon FBA Adding an ice pack / thermal bag / logistics cost adds ~ $ 3 in material cost. Further, you will need to do FBM, not FBA (FBA doesn’t have refrigerated warehouses/ice pack shipping) – so you need to pay the Amazon marketplace fee and pay the entirety of shipping out of your pocket. You want to send priority mail at $ 10.50 (+ $ 7 vs. USPS first class) at your own cost. So I Have 4 Possible Sales Strategies (I Think) Sell on Amazon FBA / Walmart etc. at $ 28 (no refrigeration, no ice pack) Sell on Amazon FBM / Walmart, etc. at $ 41 (refrigerated product with priority mail ice pack). Offer two different ASIN / SKU on each channel (let the customer decide) Sell the $ 28 unrefrigerated version on all channels, and the refrigerated version on my website. Why I Struggle Reasons against charging $ 41: I am not sure what the volume impact is from charging $ 41. Maybe this is what I need to cement my place on crowded marketplaces. But maybe this is just pricing myself out of business. My charging $ 41 doesn’t increase my margin dollars, it is a straight pass-through of my incremental cost. I don’t think consumers understand the incremental cost to do this and how my margin% will shrink. If the vast majority of products are not refrigerated – am I needlessly pricing myself out of the market? Reasons for charging $ 41 My brand / product will very differentiated, and could drive volume It keeps with my brand proposition of quality & high integrity. That is my brand! Reasons for mixed offering Customers can decide if the science warrants + $ 13 cost Reasons against mixed offering It sends a mixed message: why should consumers pay + $ 13/50% for the same product, if a vendor they trust feels comfortable offering the same product at a cheaper price without refrigeration? How can I advertise ‘refrigerated is better’ and yet offer an unrefrigerated version?
En application du code de la propriété intellectuelle, toute reproduction totale ou partielle est strictement interdite sans autorisation écrite de NetPME. This is an ultra-competitive space and I am a mom & pop newcomer. I need ways to stick out, with our brand proposition being quality. I believe customers selling Product X fail in 2 respects. The main / primary reason is the product should be refrigerated / shipped with cold packs. The second reason is the ingredients could be of higher quality. Product X retails most commonly for $ 25.The vast majority of the space is at $ 15-25, and some branded products are $ 28-35, and the very rare brand at $ 50.The highest volume items are $ 18-25 . I don’t perceive any differentiation in product between the $ 15- $ 50 product aside from brand / reputation. I think the higher quality message is worth $ 3 / unit.Refrigeration / shipping with an ice pack is the bigger differentiator, however, and would drive more volume than the + $ 3 / unit from higher quality. Maybe refrigeration can drive + $ 3-5 / unit, but I know it can drive volume. So in aggregate I think I can charge + $ 3-8 / unit. So if average Product X is $ 25, I can get + $ 28-33 / per bottle. My Problem: Refrigeration / Ice Pack = Expensive Refrigeration + Ice Pack = + $ 13.50 in cost vs. using Amazon FBA Adding an ice pack / thermal bag / logistics cost adds ~ $ 3 in material cost. Further, you will need to do FBM not FBA (FBA doesn’t have refrigerated warehouses / ice pack shipping) – so you need to pay the Amazon marketplace fee and pay the entirety of shipping out of your pocket. You want to send priority mail at $ 10.50 (+ $ 7 vs. USPS first class) at your own cost. So I Have 4 Possible Sales Strategies (I Think) Sell on Amazon FBA / Walmart etc. at $ 28 (no refrigeration, no ice pack) Sell on Amazon FBM / Walmart etc. at $ 41 (refrigerated product with priority mail ice pack). Offer two different ASIN / SKU on each channel (let the customer decide) Sell the $ 28 unrefrigerated version on all channels, and the refrigerated version on my website. Why I Struggle Reasons against charging $ 41: I am not sure what the volume impact is from charging $ 41. Maybe this is what I need to cement my place on crowded marketplaces. But maybe this is just pricing myself out of business. My charging $ 41 doesn’t increase my margin dollars, it is a straight pass through of my incremental cost. I don’t think consumers understand the incremental cost to do this and how my margin% will shrink. If the vast majority of products are not refrigerated – am I needlessly pricing myself out of the market? Reasons for charging $ 41 My brand / product will very differentiated, and could drive volume It keeps with my brand proposition of quality & high integrity. That is my brand! Reasons for mixed offering Customers can decide if the science warrants + $ 13 cost Reasons against mixed offering It sends a mixed message: why should consumers pay + $ 13/50% for the same product, if a vendor they trust feels comfortable offering the same product at a cheaper price without refrigeration? How can I advertise ‘refrigerated is better’ and yet offer an unrefrigerated version?
En application du code de la propriété intellectuelle, toute reproduction totale ou partielle est strictement interdite sans autorisation écrite de NetPME.
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